This Concert was pretty fucking amazing.... To Dj in front of a huge crowd like this was amazing, and at the same time, i was stupid nervous! After having a few Coronas I said to myself "FUCK IT, GO IN CLOCKWORK!" hahahah A big Up To Scavenger B, Who did an amazing job on the Photography end. Make Sure, if you want to see more photos of the Concert and more of his photo skills, go HERE . Also Small Time Crooks was the opening act, and they rocked out and got the energy from the crowd flowing.. Chip Tha RIIIIIIIPPPPER! was also played before Cudi, Performing alot of newer songs, off his "Cleveland Show" Mixtape.. Songs like "Movie" and "Broke ass Hoe.. Hi-tek was Chip tha Rippers DJ, and its been awhile since i seen the homie, so it was good catching up with him, while we switched laptops. Cudi finally came out and Murdered the set! If you missed this show, Shame on you! Dont miss anymore shows, more good things to come!
ooooo and shouts out to Mark Byron, who also shot all the photos for Metromix Cincinnati, if you want to see more of the photos go HERE
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